Women Deserve Better Care with Lindsey Meehleis

Welcome back to the Nikki Bostwick Unfiltered podcast! Today we caught up with spiritual midwife, Lindsey Meehleis.

For the past 21 years, Lindsey has worked in healthcare but found herself often in the shadows. In the shadows of the night, helping women discover their strength through psychedelic, transcendent experiences while they birth their babies in power at home. As well as in the shadows of death as a Midwife who helps people cross the rainbow bridge. Her hands have touched the lives of many as they take their first and last breath. She has woven the stories of thousands of births throughout these 20 years. Trained traditionally and licensed through the Medical Board, she quickly learned that what is needed in the magic and mystery of birth and death can't be found in a book. She serves families from womb to tomb — like many medicine women have done throughout time, with a deep remembering that many of these witches were burned at the stake for their threat to the standard industrialized medical complex. She has witnessed a drastic shift in healthcare since 2020 and looks forward to co-creating a new future of what true medicine has always been. She gets down to the nitty-gritty of LIFE and everything it brings — illustrating our power within, showing that birth, life, and death are pivotal rites of passage that deserve to be held in sacred, deep reverence.

Topics we chat about:

  • Homebirth vs. the standard Western medical birthing system

  • Trusting your body

  • Lindsey’s career in midwifery & her journey to escape the hospital setting

  • The paradigm of birthing: Midwifery & OB practice over the century 

  • Miscarriages and stillborn birth statistics since 2020

  • Dismantling the fear of homebirth & normalizing the conversation around birth

Unlock the wealth of insights within this episode as we encourage you to embrace the following: Home birth is not only attainable, but also empowering! Inquire with confidence! Grant consent to medical procedures! Above all, place unwavering trust in your body! Join us on this journey while we celebrate the timeless act of naturally bringing life into the world!


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